WalkInto allows you to create different Tourcards. Listed below are the Functions and Features of these different tourcards.

Log into
 your dashboard and click on the create new tour or open an existing tour in which you wish to add tourcards.

WalkInto has 3 different tourcards.

1. Focus Tourcard.

2. Viewport Tourcard.

3. 360 Tourcard.

We will discuss about Focus tourcard in detail here.

Focus Tourcard.

This tourcard is useful for cases where you want to attach some information to a particular fixed element. Focus tourcard when placed on an element remains attached to it and moves with it when the image is moved by zoom in/out or pan action. 

I have created a new tour of a Car showroom near my home as example.

I load the tour in WalkInto editor. Navigate to the car on which I want to add a Focus tourcard. 

Click on the Add tourcard button on the top bar.

Clicking on the Button will open a dialog box with different types of tourcards to choose from.

There are four different types Focus Tourcards that you can choose from. Youtube, URL, Scene Link and Window. Clicking on anyone of these will open a target icon on the editor, this target icon will help you select the exact position with which the tourcard is to be associated.

To place the icon on the exact position you must drag the imagery and get the element in between the cross target icon. I would like to place the tourcard on the SUV, so I pan the image to get it on the target icon.

Once you are satisfied with the positioning click on the Green Tick to save the position. The default blue "i" icon will shift to the position set by you. 

Now, the Focus tourcard is associated with this SUV which means it remains on it and moves with it on this panorama. 

To edit the information on the tourcard and to customize the icon of the tour card, click on the icon.

Clicking on the icon will provide you different controls. 

  • Target icon is to re-position the icon.
  • X icon is for cancel and go back to the previous state of the icon.
  • Pages icon is to copy the tourcard.
  • Bin icon is to delete the tourcard.
  • Eye icon is to preview the tourcard.
  • The bottom icon always shows the mode of the tourcard. In the above case it is Youtube. Clicking on it will open up a change mode dialog box where you can choose to change the modes.

Clicking on the youtube, scene link and URL icons will give you an option to enter the corresponding links. Just add the respective links and walkinto will automatically set it to work perfectly in the viewer mode.

Clicking on the window icon will open up the classic tourcard with Title bar and body. This tourcard window can be dragged to any location on the scene where you want to position it.

You can use the default template or you can choose from the predefined templates that are been provided. Click on the menu icon on the top right corner of the tourcard. A drop menu shows various options for you to select.

You can copy, delete or preview the tourcard from here. Also, you get more settings. Clicking on the more settings will open a side panel with various different options.

When the more settings side panel is open your main tour area becomes non clickable. So to work on your tour click on the cross button. 

In more settings you can name your tourcard, this will help you with tracking the user behavior with tourcards if you link your tour to Google Analytics.

You can set the transparency of the Video and Image sections for the predefined templates with these sections.

Set if you want the tourcard to be seen as flat or embossed.

Predefined templates of the tourcards are also available here for you to choose from. 

To save any changes you make here, just click on the Tick mark on the top right corner and the changes will reflect on your tourcard.

Let me put some content on the tourcard using a predefined template which has image and text section.

Click on the Tick button to save the change and return to editing tourcard.

Now lets customize the hotspot. First we will add some data to it i.e. photo, text. 

Above we added an image and some text to the tourcard. WalkInto gives a lot of flexibility to the user. Font awesome lets you change the font, font size and other options to your liking.

Clicking on the text you want to customize will open the text bar with options of font, size, alignment and various other options. You can make the changes and simply click on the tick icon on the top of the tourcard window to save the changes.

With focus tourcard you can customize the icon as well. To customize the icon click on the icon to bring it in edit mode and click on the icon again. This will open a icon edit dialog box with various settings.

Here you can change style, color and size of the icon to suit your liking.

To save the changes you have made simply click on the Tick mark at the bottom of the dialog box.

You can copy the Tourcard and paste it in a different view.

Just click on the copy icon on the icon control or tourcard window. 

Navigate to the view where you want to paste the tourcard.

Click on paste and position the target on the element you want to place it on.

Clicking on the Tick mark will link the icon on the position.

This is how you could use Focus Tourcard to associate any content to one specific position or element on the image.