In this post we will describe the different ways to search and locate your scenes to add to a tour.
We will use various interesting scenes from around the world for better understanding. Let's start.
Log into your dashboard and click on Add New Tour button. This will open up the editor with a world map view inviting to pick the scenes.
Editor Blank Screen
Add name to your tour and save it.
Lets see the various methods to search and locate the desired scenes.
Method 1:
Using the WalkInto search bar.
Typing on the top right search box automatically suggests matching entries. User can either select from the suggested list or press enter and we will pick one that we feel is the closest to our desired scene. WalkInto will take you to the map and if it finds a scene in that area it will show it in a popup. Keep in mind that this scene might not be exactly what you are looking for since there are a lot of matching Photo-Spheres, Business Views in any given location.
To see the other matching Photo Spheres and Business Views near by, WalkInto has a Pegman tool on the top right corner. This tool toggles the visibility of Street View layer on the maps.
Activating the Street View layer clearly shows all virtual tours available on the map in the area you are viewing. You can pan and zoom to different areas or click on any point on the overlay to inspect the imagery.
After looking around and selecting the imagery we want to add to tour, all we need to do is to use the OPEN option on the pop-up.
Clicking on the OPEN in pop-up will add the scene and load it in WalkInto editor.
Now you can add all or whichever feature you wish to add to this tour.
Method 2:
Using the URL from Google maps.
For this method, Open Google maps in another tab and search for the location for which you wish to add the imagery.
Drag the Pegman over maps to see the available Photo-Spheres, Street-View and Business Views in the area.
Drop the Pegman on the desired scene.
Dropping the Pegman on the desired scene opens up that scene in maps.
Once the scene loads just copy the URL in the address bar of the tab and shift to the WalkInto that is already open in another tab.
Paste the copied maps URL in the Walkinto search box at the top right side of the editor.
Hitting the enter button will load the desired scene directly in the WalkInto editor.
Now you can add various features you wish to use for this tour.
Method 3:
Using Google Maps - Views.
For this method, Open Views - Google Maps in another tab. Views has the most amazing collection of Photo-Spheres from around the world. Some of them are real great work of art. We can add any of these to WalkInto tours.
Explore the vast collection of imagery on Views and once you find your desired imagery open it in Views.
We have found a beautiful Photo-Sphere just off the coast in Monaco that we will use here.
Once loaded, click on the View on Google Maps option that you see on the bottom of the description. This will open the same imagery in Google maps.
Once it loads on Maps, copy the URL from the address bar and paste it in the WalkInto editor to load the imagery in WalkInto. Just like Method 2 described above.
Hitting the enter key once you paste the URL will open the imagery in WalkInto editor.
Method 4 :
Now that the imagery is added to WalkInto editor we can add various features we wish to use for this tour.
Having multiple ways to use imagery from multiple source will help you add scenes and create all tyoes of tours with a lot of ease.