In this post we will describe what hotspot is and how you can use hotspot features and settings.
Log into your dashboard and click on Add New Tour button or open an existing tour in which you wish to add hotspots.
We will use an existing tour from our dashboard and explain different features and functionality.
Once the tour loads in WalkInto editor you can add scene hotspot in it. To add a hotspot to the scene click on the hotspot icon at the top right of the screen.
When you click on the hotspot icon on top right corner a default hotspot is opened with Title bar and body. This hotspot window can be dragged to any location on the scene where you want to position it when you preview the tour.
You can use the default template or you can choose from the pre defined templates that are been provided. Click on the template icon on the top left corner of the hotspot to view and select the available templates.
These templates give you ease of use. You can quickly click on them and change how your hotspot looks. Various combinations of Title bar, Photo, Video are given to make your work easier.
Select your desired template for use and start customizing your hotspot. Here we will use the template that gives us the option to add photo, video and text all with just few clicks.
Select the template by clicking on it's preview. This will change the look of the template.
Now lets customize the hotspot. First we will add some data to it i.e. photo, text.
Above you can see that the hotspot looks really nice with the photo and text. WalkInto gives a lot of flexibility to the user. Font awesome lets you change the font to your liking and theme.
Clicking on the text you want to customize will open the text bar with options of font, size, alignment and various other options. You can make the changes and simply click on the tick icon on the top of the hotspot window to save the changes.
There are a lot of hotspot settings that one can use. We will take you through those one by one.
You have the copy icon on the top. Say you have prepared a beautiful hotspot which you want to use on other scenes, all you need to do is click on the copy icon to copy it and paste it on the desired target scene. The hotspot will be copied to the target scene as is.
To paste it on the new scene just click on the paste button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Now, the next icon is for delete. Whenever you want to delete a hotspot click on the delete button; it will ask for confirmation. Click yes to confirm the deletion.
Now lets look at the hotspot settings. Once you click on the settings icon a settings menu opens up with various options to choose from for your hotspot.
The different options available are:
Transparency for Video & Image section: This lets you set the opacity of the Image & Video section in the hotspot. This does not change the opacity of the Image or Video that has been added in the Text Section.
Initial View as window or Icon: This lets you decide how your hotspot will appear when loaded on the scene. Selecting window will let you show the entire hotspot as a window where all your data will be available to the user to view. Selecting icon will let you show the hotspot as an icon which when clicked upon opens up as a window.
Hide Close Button: This lets you choose if the hotspot close button is available to the user or not.
- Hotspot Show Everywhere: This lets you show the hotspot on all the scenes. Create a hotspot on one scene and select the option to make it visible on all the scenes that user navigates to.
- Hotspot Draggable: This lets you choose if you want the hotspot to be draggable by the user or not. If you keep this unchecked the user will not be able to drag the hotspot to another position in the scene.
Show Hotspot As (Flat or Emboss): This lets you choose how the hotspot looks on the scene. Emboss will add a shadow to the hotspot boundary so that it appears as a different element on the scene. Flat will remove any shadow from the hotspot so that it looks like a part of the scene.
Use the above features to customize and make your hotspots more attractive.