In this post we will show you how you can simple HTML code to use Data Lightbox in your hotspots. 


Log into your dashboard and open an existing tour in which you wish to add Data Lightbox.


Here we will be using an existing tour.


Open the Tour and add a free hand/Blank Hotspot. Remove the pre defined text if not needed.Go to the source of the hotspot and write a simple HTML Code mentioned below .

FREEHAND TOURACRD is the one on LOWER LEFT CORNER of the template selection screen.


<a data-lightbox="Title" href=""><span style="color:#000000;">Gallery</a>


 You can also add more images to the gallery by just adding the simple HTML code to the existing code


<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:36px;"><a data-lightbox="Title" href=""><span style="color:#000000;">Gallery</span></a></span><a data-lightbox="Title" href="">&nbsp;</a><a data-lightbox="Title" href="">&nbsp;</a></p>


Change the URL in ' href ' as per images you would like to have in your gallery.

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