What do you get?
All your WalkInto tours will be available on a domain of your choice at a special url. For example like
There will not be any WalkInto branding when tours are accessed through this url. All your important WalkInto resources, such as customer preview, social media sharing, portfolio will also be available as custom domain urls without any branding.
Easy Embed URLs ARE NOT available under Custom domains. Custom domains are by default available only on HTTP (no HTTPS).
What you need to do?
Cornerstone of working internet ecosystem is a DNS (Domain Name Server) entry that links a domain name to an IP address. This tells browsers whom to contact (which physical server) when an url is typed into the browser or a link is clicked or an IFRAME snippet loads. Walkinto Custom domain configuration needs correct DNS configurations. This is usually managed by the hosting provider from whom you bought the parent domain. Usually there is a DIY control panel for managing DNS entries. If you are unsure, please contact your hosting provider. Once you figure out how and who manages your DNS entries, do the following two steps.
You need to create a new subdomain eg. tours.yourchoice_of_domain.com. It is not necessary that this must be a subdomain. It can very well be a brand new domain that you want to use for your Custom domain configuration.
Create an 'A' record with your Name Server manager for this domain to point it to a specific IP address. :
How to configure it:
Configurations with Name Server is something you need to take care of yourself. Important thing to note is that adding an 'A' record is different from setting up an HTTP redirect - an option a lot of hosting sites provide. What we need you to do is to setup an A record. We will help you with clarifying any communications with administrators.
IMPORTANT : DO NOT CONFIGURE AN HTTP REDIRECT. It’ll only cause pain and suffering for everyone involved :)
You can now configure your Custom domain WalkInto. On your dashboard you should now be able to see the following fields
DASHBOARD > Profile > Custom Domain
[If you see the GREEN Subscribe button as above it means you have not yet subscribed to WL domain. You can subscribe by clicking on the button]
After purchasing a subscription, we can go back to the WL configuration Screen to activate and configure it. The clock on your WL domain subscription will start only when you activate it.
DASHBOARD > Profile > Custom domain
Use the slider on right top to activate subscription. When you activate subscription other fields will become editable.
Enter your WL Domain name and click GREEN TICK Mark to save it in WalkInto.
You need to change the current 'A' record for this domain to point to (If you have not already done so at your Name Server configuration)
It may take up to 24h for the new IP to refresh. Your WalkInto dashboard will keep you posted on the status.
Once the status on the dashboard turns to Ready You are all set. You will start seeing some changes on your dashboard.
The direct link to all your published tours will default to your whitelabel domain
You can override this and choose to use the default WalkInto url there is a slider switch available at the bottom
System also makes it convenient to directly use your whitelabel domain url in your IFRAME embed codes.
SSL and Custom Domains
Custom domains are by default available only on HTTP (no HTTPS). SSL configuration for your WL domain is available as a PAID service. Currently (2016-) this configuration is offered @ USD200 for a 3Y validity SSL purchase and installation. Typical reasons why you may want to add SSL to your Custom domain are:
- You want to embed WL tour IFRAME to Facebook pages using widgets like WooBox.
- Your customer's website where your IFRAME will be embedded accepts only HTTPS urls
- Some of your important resources (images, video) are coming from external websites that supports only HTTPS.
If you need SSL for your white label domain URLs, contact us at admin@walkinto.in.