- Click on “Select Folder”button from the WalkintoTiler Home screen
Automatically the system will browse the stitched pano folder.(You already have set the source folder in the settings screen. If you wanted to browse some other folder location you can do it in the screen)
Click on “Open”
Recommended setting for 'Quality' : 'Better'
Recommended setting for 'Tile Size' : 512
You can safely leave it at that. 'Best' for quality will make the disk size of tile folder 2X and selecting 'Good' for quality will make the total size for uploading to 1/2 of default setting.
- System will also show a default 'Title'. This is the filename you have selected. You can change the name to another easier to identify name if you want to. You will also get to change this even later after importing to WalkInto.
- To start the tiling process click 'Tile'. This will create a new folder inside the folder specified in your configuration for folder 'Tiler file Location'. By default system will use the panorama image name to create this folder. You are free to rename this folder to something else if you need to. But you can just leave it as is and it will just work fine too.