Starting January 1st 2020 Walkinto supports multiple keys per tour.  You can select multiple API Keys for a tour using API Key Groups feature.  When a tour is using this feature, an API Key will be randomly selected from the group of keys.  This helps to distribute traffic to the tour across multiple keys.  Please note that this feature works only with tours you are "Owner" of.  If you plan to transfer a tour ownership to customer it is advisable to setup groups within customer accounts.

You may setup a default API Key Group also.  When you setup a default API Key group, it will take precedence (over a default API KEY).  Any tour without a specific API Key assignment will immediately start using keys from your API Key Group.  In short a Default Key Group will act as the default key selection algorithm for all tours within your account.

How to Create an API Key Group

Step 1 : Create an API Key Group.

Navigate to : Dashboard > Master Settings > API Keys

Key Groups Section, use [+] Button to add a new Group.  Give it a meaningful name.  For example "A1 AutoCompany Group"

Click [Add] to save the Group.

You will see a new row in your Key Groups List.  The Group is ready for use now.

Step 2 : Add API Keys to this Group

This step assumes that you have added all the API Keys you want on 'A1 Auto Company' project into Walkinto.

You need to use the new "Key Ring Icon" next to the APi Key to add it to the newly created API Key Group.  Use the "Select API Group" drop down.  User "Set Group" button to save your selection.

You will see the group name updated for the Key.  This shows Key is part of a group.  Remember that a key can be in a group as well as work as an independent key at the same time.   This can make usage reports hard to understand.  So we recommend You do not use Keys in mixed mode (In group for some  and independent for some tours).  This is purely a recommendation.  System will go with whatever you want it to do.

Repeat Step 2 for the other two Keys to add them to your group.


Step 3 : Attach the API Key Group to a Tour.

Let us say that we have 4 tours created for this business - A1 Auto Company.  My dashboard looks like this.  Note that currently there are no keys associated with any of these tours.  What I want to do is for each of these tours I want to rotate APi Keys from Group 'A1 Auto Company Group'

Use [...] button at the right end and navigate to Modify Settings > Key/Group

Select, "API Group" radio button to activate dropdown.  Pick 'A1 Auto Company Group' from "Select APi Group" doropdown.  Click Save.

Repeat these steps for other three tours also.  Finally your tour list will look like this.  The Key Ring icon next to tour shows that each is using the group you have selected.

That is all.  You are all set.  Now every visit to any of these tours will use a Randomly picked Key from your group.  Over a period of time you will see more or less even traffic across all your keys in the Key Group.